Te Tū O Ngāti Hine

Ka whakatopa tāku titiro ki Hikurangi namatahi, ki Ngā Kiekie Whāwhānui a Uenuku i puta ai te kōrero ko Hikurangi, ko Mōtatau – Tū te ao, tū te pō. Ngā maunga whakahii o Hineāmaru i kii ai tona korero:

Ka papā te whatitiri, ka hikohiko te uira

Ka kahukura ki te Rangi.

Ka wāhierua ki runga o Hikurangi, o Mōtatau.

Ko Ngunguru, ko Ngangana, ko Aparangi

Ko te titi o te rua, ko te tao whakahoro

Ko te tao whakawahine, ko te tao a Hineāmaru

My gaze wanders across to Hikurangi number one, to the great kiekie plantations of Uenuku (First born of Āhuaiti and Rāhiri). Where sprung forth the aphorism - Hikurangi and Mōtatau that will stand all day, all night, forever. The sacred mountains of Hineāmaru for whom it is said - 

The thunder crashes, the lightning tears the heavens asunder,
and lights up the night sky
its fork diving over Hikurangi, over Mōtatau.

T’is Ngunguru, T’is Ngangana, T’is Aparangi (Ancestors from Hawaiiki)

T’is the spear of great speed

A spear hurled by a woman

It is the spear of Hineāmaru

Erima Henare

(Speaking notes from Wai 1040 Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry, 2013.)


Mā Ngāti Hine anō a Ngāti Hine e kōrero mā roto i te whanaungatanga me te kotahitanga.

Self determination through kinship and unity


Ka whakatopa tāku titiro ki Hikurangi namatahi, ki Ngā Kiekie Whāwhānui a Uenuku i puta ai te kōrero ko Hikurangi, ko Mōtatau – Tū te ao, tū te pō. Ngā maunga whakahii o Hineāmaru i kii ai tona korero:

Ka papā te whatitiri, ka hikohiko te uira

Ka kahukura ki te Rangi.

Ka wāhierua ki runga o Hikurangi, o Mōtatau.

Ko Ngunguru, ko Ngangana, ko Aparangi

Ko te titi o te rua, ko te tao whakahoro

Ko te tao whakawahine, ko te tao a Hineāmaru

My gaze wanders across to Hikurangi number one, to the great kiekie plantations of Uenuku (First born of Āhuaiti and Rāhiri). Where sprung forth the aphorism - Hikurangi and Mōtatau that will stand all day, all night, forever. The sacred mountains of Hineāmaru for whom it is said - 

The thunder crashes, the lightning tears the heavens asunder,
and lights up the night sky
its fork diving over Hikurangi, over Mōtatau.

T’is Ngunguru, T’is Ngangana, T’is Aparangi (Ancestors from Hawaiiki)

T’is the spear of great speed

A spear hurled by a woman

It is the spear of Hineāmaru


Mā Ngāti Hine anō a Ngāti Hine e kōrero mā roto i te whanaungatanga me te kotahitanga.

Self determination through

 kinship and unity


Ki te whakapūmau i Te tū o Ngāti Hine, ki te whakakotahi i ngā whakaaro me te reo kōrero, kia tutuki tika a tātou wawata.
(To preserve and enhance the essence of Ngāti Hine, to express our collective will and unite us in purpose, thereby achieving our goals successfully.)


Ko Hineāmaru te pou hei herenga, hei pupuri hoki i te tikanga o ngā uri a Hineāmaru, mo te whenua papatupu apiti iho ko te whakakotahitanga i ngā uri a Hineāmaru
Maihi Paraone Kawiti
(Ngāti Hine Evidence, from Wai 1040 Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry, 2014.)

I hīkoi mai tēnei tupuna, wana mātua, wana tuākana me wana teina mā roto i te wao nui ā Tāne, tae atu rā ki te maha i hīkoi tahi mai ki ngā mātua o tēnei tupuna ā Hineāmaru. Nā tēnā ka tae rātou ki tētahi wāhi e kī ana i te kai e kōrerotia nei ko Waiōmio, i reira ka whakatōhia wana kūmara i roto i tēnei whenua. Ka whakahuangia ko te māra o Hineāmaru. Mai i reira ka puta te pepeha, “He kūmara, he tangata”. Ko te mauri tēnei, koia te hononga ki te whenua, ki te tangata.

Tohe Ashby, Heamana o Ngā Tīrairaka o Ngāti Hine. 

(Ngā tikanga mō te taiao o Ngāti Hine - Ngāti Hine Environmental Management Plan, 2022.)

As Ngāti Hine there are many tūpuna and kōrero tuku iho for each whānau and wāhi that make up our rich history and whakapapa, tying us together as whānau connected to each other, our natural environment and with other hapū and iwi around the northern rohe, motu and ao.


Ko tō mātou tū, ko Te tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te tū o ngā uri ā Hineāmaru.

Te Tū o Ngāti Hine represents the fundamental essence of our Ngāti Hine identity. It encompasses our kaupapa and ways of being, affirming our reo, tikanga, whakapapa, kōrero tuku iho, rangatiratanga, marae, hapū, mātauranga, places, people, and contemporary perspectives, both in the present and future.

Embodying our resolute commitment to maintaining our unique identity, values, and rangatiratanga, Te Tū o Ngāti Hine is the korowai,  which cloaks us, derives from our divine existence, guides us and protects us as we pursue a mandate and redress with the Crown through the kaupapa of Te Ara Tika o Ngāti Hine. It reflects our unwavering determination to uphold our tikanga, values, and aspirations as we navigate this journey.

Learn more about te Tū o Ngāti Hine


Ko tō mātou tū, ko Te tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te tū o ngā uri ā Hineāmaru.

Te Tū o Ngāti Hine represents the fundamental essence of our Ngāti Hine identity. It encompasses our kaupapa and ways of being, affirming our reo, tikanga, whakapapa, kōrero tuku iho, rangatiratanga, marae, hapū, mātauranga, places, people, and contemporary perspectives, both in the present and future.

Embodying our resolute commitment to maintaining our unique identity, values, and rangatiratanga, Te Tū o Ngāti Hine is the korowai,  which cloaks us, derives from our divine existence, guides us and protects us as we pursue a mandate and redress with the Crown through the kaupapa of Te Ara Tika o Ngāti Hine. It reflects our unwavering determination to uphold our tikanga, values, and aspirations as we navigate this journey.

Learn more about te Tū o Ngāti Hine

Me kōkiri tahi te iwi, me ū ki te Tū o Ngāti Hine.

Ngāti Hine is moving as a collective under te Tū o Ngāti Hine.

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Kua tau kē te kaupapa, mahia te mahi.

Ngāti Hine seeks its own mandate to negotiate redress with the Crown specific to ngā hapū o Ngāti Hine.

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Me pōti a Ngāti Hine.

Ngāti Hine will vote on a proposed deed of mandate. 

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Me kōkiri tahi te iwi, me ū ki te Tū o Ngāti Hine.

Ngāti Hine is moving as a collective under te Tū o Ngāti Hine.

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Kua tau kē te kaupapa, mahia te mahi.

Ngāti Hine seeks its own mandate to negotiate redress with the Crown specific to ngā hapū o Ngāti Hine.

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Me pōti a Ngāti Hine.

Ngāti Hine will vote on a proposed deed of mandate. 

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Kua tau kē te kaupapa, mahia te mahi.

Ngāti Hine seeks its own mandate to negotiate redress with the Crown specific to ngā hapū o Ngāti Hine.

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This website has been created as the primary platform for Ngāti Hine to help communicate ‘Te Ara o Ngāti Hine’, the navigational journey of Ngāti Hine.

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Me pōti a Ngāti Hine.

Ngāti Hine will vote on a proposed deed of mandate. 

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This website has been created as the primary platform for Ngāti Hine to help communicate ‘Te Ara o Ngāti Hine’, the navigational journey of Ngāti Hine.

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